Hearing New York Radio giving aviation wx observations on 2.000 MHz USB ... since when did this become standard? Have never heard them before down this low ...
I should also note, since being active with 'operations' at the high end of the 160m band since about November of last year (and the same the year before, but commencing about June 2011) this is the first time I have seen any activity *just* above 2 MHz aside from some Mexican 'traffic' that straddled across 2 MHz around this last Christmas ...
Doh! I see where someone else has observed them as well:
http://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,10267.0.htmlAnd off-air at 0350z
Back on at 0400z.
NYRadio has definitely taken up residence at 2 MHz for these aviation wx broadcasts!
(About those 'ops' I was referring to above: I was running a 100W test beacon at 2.0 MHz LSB for a few months from November into January. I would have observed them had they been there at 2.0 MHz USB as a 'trace' would have been left in the bandscope of the receiver I was using.)