1944 UTC YL with repeated ID sounding like WTAR...."introducing Transcendental Root Canal"
1945 UTC OM with spoken word drama over spooky music..."There is no democracy"
(Seems to be some repeated or looped statements)
1952 UTC YL with ID in phonetics "Whiskey Papa Alpha Romeo"
OFF after ID
Here's a link to my recording....S8 signal and excellent USB audio!
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eBpfsc-QMhLSOSgvpsd1IKlC4m63ZbX9/view?usp=sharing2007 UTC Back on with ambient spooky sounds from Hell
2012 UTC OFF again
2020 UTC On again with ambient music followed by YL with ID in phonetics, then back to the music
2024 UTC YL with "There is no America...There is no Democracy" followed by music again
2026 UTC YL with ID then OFF again
I would very much appreciate an eQSL for WPAR if the op plans on doing the deed!