Day off work today, so I followed the VOT sked (it's a little soft) and was able to hear some of this. I observed a couple of things.
All of the TXs sked from the Dushanbe 95 degree beam (Chinese, I guess) were barely audible here, and were generally very well covered by strong jamming as heard here. The Dushanbe 131 degree beams (Tibetan) were generally heard with far stronger, typically S8 signals, with variably effective jamming, sometimes none at all.
I was able to hear VOT in some good holes in jamming coverage, particularly:
1300-1305 on 15510. The FD covering VOT went off at the TOH, leaving VOT in the clear with VG reception.
1305-1319 on 15512. The FD did not start until 1319, leaving a nice block of VOT programming audible here.
1345-1400 on 15517. A presumed FD carrier started up on 15516, but no audio noted. VOT in the clear.
In all cases, programming was alternating OM/YL talk, with occasional lober longer pieces of presumed commentary. Occasional short musical interludes noted, especially just prior to a frequency hop.
The 1400 TX via Madagascar on 15400 had great reception here till covered by a massive FD at 1404.
The 1430 TX via Madagascar on 17535 has weak reception, an ineffective FD started up at 1457, VOT off at 1500
The 1530 TX via Madagascar on 15485 covered by FD at 1541 check. VOT occasionally audible with good signal during jammer
fades or breaks.
Very interesting chess match out there!