Howdy all,
Not really sure what forum section this should go in, I am going to throw it in Shortwave Broadcast, although it is probably unintentional.
Several times over the past week or more I have noticed a narrow band FM signal around the 8200 kHz area. It has been on several different frequencies, 8006.3 kHz, 8202.9 kHz, 8206.3 kHz, 8263.1 kHz, and 8301 kHz. It generally is around S4 or S5 here, and the strongest I have seen it is S7. It has not been on 24 hours a day, but it has been on for hours at a time and both day and night. In the late evening it seems to drop out for me, but still be on the air, I suspect the freq is going long and the signal is going over me. There is fading on the signal at all times, it is up and down as one would expect.
Right now (April 07, 2013, 1545 UTC) the signal is on 8202.9 kHz, NFM.
When and how it changes freqs is unpredictable, but most of the time it seems to shift around the top or bottom of the hour.
For several days it was retransmitting XM Sirius sat radio channel “80’s on 8”, but today it is transmitting “90’s on 9”. Just the straight audio from Sirius XM, no added signals.
So, my first thought is a spur from something local. However searching from 10 kHz to 4 GHz there is nothing local playing this audio. OK, so a spur from something not local, so on the remotes I go to see where this signal is making it to. The remote in San Diego, CA, has the signal slightly less strong than I have it. A remote in WA has it weak but detectable. A remote in CO has it about half as strong as I do. A remote in MN has it detectable, but just above the noise floor. I cannot detect it on any remote east of there.
So, whatever it is it is not a small spur. There has to be at least a little power behind it. It is not local to me, although it is probably regional to me, say maybe in the southern California / Nevada / Arizona area.
Anyone else getting this signal? I would sure like to figure out the source, or at least the source area.