6950 AM big wide AM sig S7 - S9 excellent audio some fades down to S6
2:14 ut on with nice UNID bluesy tune female singer
2:18 ut Radio Ronan Intro tune
2:21 ut RR SW ID - OP talking about Fleetwood Mac
into blues music now
Is this a RTN Relay??? - Thanks RTN - I thought that was your big wide beautiful AM sig
3:08 ut Signal bumping S9+10 now De-mod set at 12 khz - sounds great!
3:13 ut End Radio Ronin Relay
3:14 ut Music w/ relay from Moscow? - De-Mod out to 18-20 khz now - Love the fidelity.....
4:20 ut Thanks for the Shout out RTN - Was listening in the other room
on the Satelit 750 w/ whip antenna - Still S8 - S9+10 on the SDR -
nice bass from the SDR with the slight delay from the SDR processing mixing w/ the
sound from the analog Grundig 750 = nice reverb effect!
5:24 ut RTN still rocking with nice mix - signal down a bit S7 - S9 but still sounding good..
6:15 - 6:18 ut signal back up S8 - S9+10 for Hotel California into The Who.
RTN Ids Setup for end of show - Thanks to HFU members for reports,
Waylon Jennings Good ole Boy - Pirate Radio Song - RTN Id's - Off 6:35 ut
Thanks for the music RTN!! Great Show!!