According to the May 2023 edition of The Spectrum Monitor, WLO is back on the air.
Hugh Stegman offers the following schedule (c) The Spectrum Monitor:
H+0 -> 1 kHz top-of-the-hour audio beep followed by 3 note musical interval signal followed by an automated female voice “This voice-synthesized weather broadcast is brought to you by Global HF Net.” The length of the broadcast can run anywhere from 3 to 9 minutes, possibly longer and concludes with “This is the Global HF Marine Radio Net, station WLO standing by.”.
H+15 -> Interval signal and the same voice with “This is the Global HF marine and nautical radio system, part of the Global HF net.”.
H+18 - > Interval signal followed by “This public coast station is participating in scientific studies conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. All stations please stand by for a test signal transmission. WLO testing.”. This is the same hourly test signal heard on WWV and concludes with “Station WLO, Mobile, Alabama, test, out.”.
H+30 -> Station ID, interval signal and “These voice synthesized marine broadcasts are brought to you by Global HF Net. This is public coast station WLO located south of Mobile, Alabama, just north of the north coast of the Gulf of Mexico.”.
H+45 -> Repeat of the H+15 ID.