got my 1st pirate capture tonight !!!! was on 6925 USB on 6/5/2009 at around 12:54 AM east coast US time
heard the song "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult, then a radio ID but the QRN was getting bad at this point
think they said "karn radio"?? or "can radio??" after that at around 12:59 EST heard what sounded like a tune from the German electonica group KraftWerk, then around 1:02 am heard what sounded like an Ozzy Osborne tune maybe, then I lost the signal. QRN was pretty bad and the signal was faint.
recorded to a wave file, even though it was weak since it was my 1st one.
Radio: SDR-IQ made by RF-Space using Spectra View Software
Antenna: 80 foot longwire, end feed with a 9:1 Balun