Usually I don't hear much CB-like activity on the 40 meter ham band. Generally, that sort of activity seems to be left to the 11 meter spectrum, and maybe one frequency on 20 meters that's famous for guys playing music, swearing, etc. Aside from the Indonesian pirate chanters, and a few stray signals like the Russian single letter beacons, 40 meters generally seems pretty 'normal'.
Well, this last Sunday I tuned into some loud music in USB on 7180 khz. After clarifying it, it turned out to be Motley Crue's "Ten Seconds Of Love", which was followed by a lot of angry exchanges and cussing by several different operators (including a guy who gave out his call letters). Soon afterwards, Van Halen's "Little Dreamer" was played. Then some dead air, then the music player made some random comments about a Magnum CB radio, Arizona, a mention of Father's Day, and "you're all gonna die."
Then "I'll Wait" by Van Halen was played, followed by some more angry exchanges, including a ham telling the music DJ that he was ruining ham radio for everybody else, and he used to beat up "punks" like that in high school.
Then some rap song about someone called the "Prime Minister" -- for a rap song, it wasn't half bad, production wise. About a CB outlaw with a water cooled linear or something. When that was done, there was just dead air.
Maybe this sort of thing goes on on the 40 meter band and I just haven't encountered it before.