Also a story about an astronaut on a space walk from the ISS who's spacesuit apparently malfunctioned & filled with water (!) Killer reception on ATS 909x with wide bandpass setting for superior audio. I really dig Radio Australia but I'm in my non working summer mode & I never get up in time to hear them in the local mornings. Reception at this hour is better anyway. Parallel 15160 (01:00- 05:00 UTC) was not heard, only JBA carrier. The 19 Mhz frequency is in use from 23:00 - 03:00 with a 5 degree beam change from 65 to 70 at 1:00 UTC.
I also noticed a few ZL's & VK's on 20 meters. It was a good opening to that part of the world I guess.
he sure it was
water that was filling up his suit? I think if I were in outer space, and
my suit malfunctioned, it would not be "water" that filled it.
Great job on the Sangean- I had one, and regretfully gifted it not long after purchase to a poorer, less radio-gifted family member (still grumbling about that... me: Indian giver
) I have no luck running onboard antx only on the only batt powered carry-able radio I now own, a Grundig (grrr.. ) Field Radio S350DL. It also has a very annoying glitch of drifting- up to 200 khz + or - in rapid succession. I suppose I could drag a long wire behind me if I ever wanted to take a walk with it...