1339 UTC Yl & Om talking about the Pirates for Peace movement
1342 UTC Om speaking more on the Pirates for Peace movement and what's happening in Israel.
1343 UTC song "Hatikvah"
1346 UTC song "Peace"
1349 UTC Om speaking and station id ?? Radio.
1350 UTC song "Toccata"
1354 UTC song "Intervention" (signal just above the noise now)
1358 UTC Yl with station id ?? Radio then the song "Come away Melinda"
1400 UTC signal in and out of the noise.
1404 UTC song "Come away Melinda"
S 5 to 7 with extreme noise and fading with noise reduction on via University of Twente web sdr.
Audio 1:
https://voca.ro/13wsapJNtkMoAudio 2:
https://voca.ro/1oaoJmdjXkub (id in this audio but can't make out).