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Author Topic: The Mighty KBC 7375 kHz Sept 14, 2013 0000Z  (Read 3716 times)

Offline skeezix

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The Mighty KBC 7375 kHz Sept 14, 2013 0000Z
« on: September 15, 2013, 0000 UTC »
0000Z 55444 S9+10 On Air   BAM! Killer signal tonight.
0000Z 55444 S9+10 Night Ranger "Rock In America"
0004Z 55444 S9+10 ID "You are listening to the Giant Jukebox with Eric Van Willegen"
0004Z 55444 S9+10 The Police "De Do Do Do Do, De Da Da Da"
0008Z 55444 S9+10 DJ - Uncle Eric "125,000 Watts of power"
0009Z 55444 S9+20 Alvin Stardust "Pretend"
001043Z Off air abruptly

Why the station went off the air (from KBC's FaceBook page):
"Some alert cables were stolen out of the ground. Those open cable connectors received many electrical impulses which caused the shut-down of the transmitters on an irregular basis."

Yaesu FT-840 with 102' G5RV @ 25'
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 1205 UTC by skeezix »
Minneapolis, MN


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