Ok, I could use some help. I have been a radio bug for almost 50 years. Mostly shortwave listening, scanning, and to a lesser degree, ham radio. I have no real technical skills. I have no money to spend either. My equipment is not bad but dated. JRC-NRD-525, Kenwood TS-820s, and Yaesu FT-8900, Realistic 2004 and 2042. I had extra sharp filters put in the NRD-525 back 25 years ago when I bought it. I thought I would get into FAX and other modes that could use the filters. I never did follow up with that part.
Now days my interests are shortwave broadcast listening, pirate, clandestine, number stations. The dark side of radio, if you will. I think the equipment is ok. My issue is more with antennas. I have a bit of space but not huge. ¾ acre. No legal or neighbor issues. I can’t afford a tower and have no real way to get very high up in the air.
So with all that in mind what suggestions does anyone have for a guy with not much money and no skill to build anything complex? I am willing to learn. I mostly need better antennas. I don’t have too much problem with man made QRM. One local AM station but no real issues there.
Any ideas would help.