1900 signing on on 6070,
1902 music
also announcing 3955, not heard on 3955 (late start, heard with some delay)
1905 ID+@ in E, music
1910 "Tu te reconnaîtras" (old Eurovision winner)
same song on 3955 begins only at 1915 (5 minutes late today)
1928 Carly Simon "You're so vain"
1942 Deep Purple "Child in time", 1945 Gilbert Montagné "The fool", 1949 "Nights in white satin",
1954 Michel Fugain, 1957 closing down announcements in F, 1958 station tune, bye bye
2000 END on 6070
on 3955 same show :
1959 on 3955 : still 5 minutes late, Michel Fugain,
2000 killed by Korean Broadcasting Service in German, via Wooferton with 250 kW