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Author Topic: BBC 25700 kHz AM 25.700 MHz AM 1400 UTC 05/24/24  (Read 494 times)

Offline R4002

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BBC 25700 kHz AM 25.700 MHz AM 1400 UTC 05/24/24
« on: May 24, 2024, 1404 UTC »
Listening to the 25-30 MHz band via several UK based receivers.  Very strong SIO 555 signal on 25.7 MHz AM 25700 kHz AM 25,700 kHz AM with a BBC voice loop "This is the BBC, there are no programs on this frequency at this time" prior to the top of the hour.

Nice to see some 11 meter broadcasting going on still.  25800 kHz 25.8 MHz 25.800 MHz is well-known, 25700 kHz is an interesting one (yes, it is still a legal 11m BC frequency) - 25.6 MHz to 26.1 MHz (or thereabouts).  The 25600 kHz to 26100 kHz band overlaps with land mobile users, 25 MHz / 26 MHz marine allocation and of course the STL / IFB (cue) transmitters used in the U.S. under Part 74 of the FCC rules - 25.870 MHz to 26.470 MHz 25870 kHz to 26470 kHz (20 kHz steps, FM mode). 
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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