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Author Topic: Nice "E" opening bowling over WCST 98.7FM, by Charleston, WV.  (Read 8686 times)

Offline ThaDood

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At work, I was setting up a used VIBE Camper for resale, and this unit, from 2018, it had a Weingard Rotatable TV / FM antenna, and was able to hear WCST on the camper stereo. https://radio-locator.com/info/WCST-FM?loc=38.48830%2C-81.80511&locn=25159%20%28Poca%2C%20WV%29  Yeah, less than 1kW, at 15 miles from the TX site. Around 10AM EST, (14:00UTC, I believe.), that station was getting trounced by several stations just popping in and out quickly. No DX ID's, but I heard Arkansas mentioned on one station. By 10:40AM, it was just back to hearing only WCST again. Well, always neat to hear FM DX at work. Oh BTW, those disc-like, King TV antennas, that the newer campers seem to come with? Those are 100% total garbage!
« Last Edit: June 22, 2024, 2352 UTC by ThaDood »
“I am often asked how radio works. Well, you see, wire telegraphy
is like a very long cat. You yank his tail in New York and he
meows in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? Now, radio is
exactly the same, except that there is no cat.”
-Attributed to Albert Einstein, but I ripped it from the latest Splatter .PDF March 2025 issue.


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