I was asked the following, from an LPFM licensee, what do I run for Top Of The Hour, (T.O.T.H.), News 'Headlines / Special Reports'? I answered, "Good question!", since I'm in the same boat. I'd like to find a non-biased, (Practically impossible today.), news brief and, or, special reports. The LPFM'er was contemplating AP News, but aren't they commercial, with possible ads and fee-spots? That, would be fine for Part 15, but not non-commercial LPFM's. Boomer, of WAG AM690, posed a couple of ideas, like FSN,
https://www.featurestorynews.com/subscribe-now/ that requires monthly subscription, and USA Radio,
https://usaradio.com/shows/usa-radio-news/ . Many news services are just gone, like the nice, 5 minutes, MP3 downloads from Media Minutes, but that went bye-bye over 15 years ago. Say what you will, about The Christian Science Monitor News Service, but they did have an excellent news service department for decades, but also are gone. So, the question is out there, what very cheap, and, or free, news service is out there that LPFM's and Part 15 stations can, link / download, to for either T.O.T.H. Headlines, or breaking new flash events? LPFM's would have to be non-commercial, but Part 15 Stations could run pretty much anything. Hmmmmmmmmmmm... This might be a nice subject to suggest to Radio Survivor.