I've caught quite a few EAM on the USAF HF global net, over the last few year's. So last night I've never heard anything like what I copied around 2030 - 2130 last evening. Let me explain, first one of the EAM was TX'd on both 4724 USB & 11.175 USB at the same time, with the end of the msg transmitting a burst signal of some type of digital mode, something obviously military encrypted, sounding like the digi signal coming out of a U.S diplomatic cable. I think the digital signal lasted 4-5 seconds, and I've never heard a digi sig TX right after the EAM went out, and this happened last night on at least 3 EAM I caught last night. EAM were the 1st thing I got into when I started this hobby 9 years ago. So last nights USAF msg's blew me away with awe of interest. Did you guys catch any of this as well ?