Radio Luka
1620 kHz AM
Received on Barry Davies Memorial Receiver, Clashmore, Sutherland, Scotland
SINPO 44444, usually around S9 with not much fading.
18:20 Station ID, OM
18:21 "74, 75" by The Connells
18:26 Dutch music with OM voice
18:30 Dutch song with YL voice
18:32 Station ID with OM voice
18:32 German song with YL voice
18:34 Dutch song with OM voice
18:38 "You Do Something To Me" by Paul Weller
18:41 Dutch song with YL voice
18:43 data transmission QRM;
1844 QRM
18:44 Dutch song in rock and roll style with OM voice
18:48 Station ID OM
18:48 DJ talking in Dutch with some English
18:51 Station ID
18:51 QRT.