Hey Pinto,
The only thing I can come up with is Time Of Arrival DF’ing.
I personally haven’t messed with this.
Supposedly hams have tracked down other hams that are jamming using TOA.
1- I am not sure if we could ever get three or more folks lined up to do this for AM broadcast interference.For a ham band they use being jammed- maybe.For AMBCB, doubtful.
2- The Warbler is operating at the same time and frequency as , say WHCU on 870. I am not sure if there is any way to scrub out HCU and get a good read when both are operating on 870.With a solo ham yes. With two at once on 870, not so sure if TOA would work.Maybe .
You would THINK that since apparently this has been going on for some time now, that HCU ( or other affected stations
transmitter engineer) would have filled a complaint with the FCC.
BUT , the FCC is now abysmal re tracking down interference that is not life safety related ( PD/FD , etc) .Also, the Warbler may not be strong enough to affect the “ local “ HCU signal, especially during the day time ,which probably has a ( much ? ) higher listenership anyways.
Stations MAY not care about fringe area or Dx. MAYBE “most” of the advertising money comes more so from local businesses. So who cares if it’s a problem well outside of town.Especially at night.
Just pure speculation on my part re this angle, I may be full of beans about this.
But this is just a POSSIBLE second reason why it hasn’t been chased down, the other being the FCC not wanting or able to get involved ( re budget cuts ? ).
Re where : folks are looking at Cuba.Maybe 1 or 2 folks in FL could get a loop or ferrite bearing. IF they are not in the Warbler sky wave skip zone/ IF they hear the Warbler on ground wave . WWL 870 MAY not gum up the attempt, being pretty much 90 degrees off from Cuba. Maybe.
Re why - no one has a clue, why would Cuba jam a frequency they are using. If it’s loud here it should be obliterating any local Cuban stations on 870 ( or wherever) . TOTAL mystery.
I think realistically, we are just going to have to “ deal with it “ until ( if ever) it stops on it’s own.
Just spitballing here,