on 6299.97
(1555 carrier)
1601 D singer, 1604 waltz, 1607 D coucou song, more D songs (1612 talking, maybe JT)
1623 "I won't back down", 1625 "Ne me quitte pas"
1632 "Seven years...", jammed at 1634 (various tones for a few seconds, second time today),
1638 'TY jammer', ID, said closing down
(I missed a dozen of minutes)*
1651 end of pop (jammed by tones), 1652 next song (not jammed at first)
1655 talking, greets to me (thanks!), and jamming tones (wow!)
1658 "Big city" and greets for various reports, ID, said closing down
1701 "We'll meet again", 1703 tones above, 1705 blank, tones above, next song, again tones, 1707 OFF