Weak heavy rock heard via the Fair Hill, Maryland, SDR ...
2358 UTC: Sounds like a Black Sabbath or Ozzy song.
0017 UTC: "N.I.B." by Black Sabbath. Now listening via the Traverse City, Michigan, SDR after a long search to find a stronger, less noisy signal.
0018 UTC: OM with what sounded like an Outhouse Radio ID as "N.I.B." continued.
0020 UTC: OM stopped the song for a moment, gave a definite Outhouse Radio ID, then continued playing the song.
0021 UTC: "Sweet Leaf" by Black Sabbath.
0025 UTC: "Into the Void" by Black Sabbath.
0032 UTC: "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath. (Just such a classic song!)
0039 UTC: "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath. (Another classic.)
0042 UTC: "Planet Caravan" by Black Sabbath. The noise/static is really increasing now.
Thanks for the Black Sabbath tonight!