Fair to Good signal here since 0021 UTC tune-in with various pop songs, ID's by man at 0024 and 0027 UTC..."This is Radio Experience". 0034 UTC "Drivers Seat" followed by man announcer with ID and email address... experienceshortwave@gmail.com
Since then, "Under Pressure", "Don't Know Much About History", "Lola", "Broken Wings"
Signal is quite good here at times...excellent night for Euro's!
0141 UTC Shoutouts to listeners who emailed them in Ohio and New Jersey!!
Tunes by Fogerty and Peter Gabriel leading up to 0200 UTC. Quite listenable despite the snap crackle pop of the storm outside!
Off at 0223 UTC after email address and "Good Bye Everyone"
Thanks for the show from across the big pond!