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Author Topic: "Herb" maritime weather forecast guy on 12359 Khz  (Read 5674 times)

Offline glimmer twin

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"Herb" maritime weather forecast guy on 12359 Khz
« on: July 30, 2014, 1554 UTC »
Does anybody remember this guy? he apparently had some sort of business staying in touch with pleasure vessels in the Atlantic ocean & giving them very specific weather forecasts. I would hear him on 12359 Khz in my local afternoon/evenings like about 19-22 UTC. I sort of got out of the dx'ing hobby more or less for a while around 2002/7 & I can't remember hearing him after that. Although I did still play with my radios some just not as much as I had been. I sometimes saw him mentioned in GH's DXLD so he was a fairly common catch. I think he was based in Canada...maybe(??)... The Atlantic coast maritime part of Canada. His forecasts were ,as I said really specific for the various vessels & he would know their intended course , heading etc. I would hear him every day from my QTH in Missouri. When I lived on an island off the coast of Maine in 2001 & again in 2004 I wasn't able to hear him although I know he was still on the air in 2001 because I could hear him when I was back in KC. I guess I was within his skip zone when I was in Maine. Now that I think about it I haven't even checked for him in years so perhaps he is still there. Does anyone remember hearing him in the late 90's early 2000's? Just wondering.
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Offline BoomboxDX

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Re: "Herb" maritime weather forecast guy on 12359 Khz
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2014, 1201 UTC »
Never heard the guy. Only weather forecasts I've heard on the HF maritime frequencies were the Coast Guard ones, and I guess the Volmets (although they're on the HF aeronautical frequencies).

I have heard the guy doing the weather on the 40 meter ham band for yachters in the Gulf of California, can't remember his name or call, but I think he's part of the Chubasco Net thing.
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Offline solarix

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Re: "Herb" maritime weather forecast guy on 12359 Khz
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2014, 1741 UTC »
I last logged him in 2011. Apparently he stopped doing the daily net in 2013.

More info about Herb and the Southbound II maritime net.

Offline glimmer twin

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Re: "Herb" maritime weather forecast guy on 12359 Khz
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2014, 2202 UTC »
Thanx solarix. I'd always wondered about this net. It made for lots of interesting listening over the years.
KCMO  Icom R 75 , SDR-IQ, Grundig Satellit 750 ,Tecsun PL 880, Tecsun PL660 , Tecsun PL380 & PL360  10 meter random wire  w/ RF systems MLB    Alpha Delta SWL DX sloper  
qsl   keithglimmer810@gmail.com

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Offline Pigmeat

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Re: "Herb" maritime weather forecast guy on 12359 Khz
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2014, 0739 UTC »
I remember him. I want to say he died a few years back, but I'm not sure.

It was a labor of love for the guy. He did it for years and never received anything for it, except for the occasional  donations he used to maintain/upgrade his equipment One of the radio mags interviewed him in the 90's.

He was able to operate both in the Pacific and Atlantic.


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