0240z s/on w/ "Rock Lobster" B52s
0245z ID
0245z "Still Rock & Roll" Billy Joel
0248z ID
0248z "Born to Be Wild" Steppenwolf
0251z ID
0251z "Spirits in the Material World" Police
0255z "Dirty Laundry" Don Henley
0300z ID
0300z "Ramble On" Led Zeppelin
0304z "Green Grass & High Tides" The Outlaws

0314z ID
0314z "Lonely Street of Dreams" WhiteSnake
0319z "Funk #49" James Gang
0322z "Blue Collar Man" Styx
0326z ID w/full bump
0326z "Movin' On Over" George Thurgood
0331z "Take the Money & Run" Steve Miller Band
0334z "Red Skies at Night" The Fixx
0338z ID

0343z "Man Who Stole the World" [unPlugged] Nirvana
0347z ID w/full bump
0347z "Same Old Ball & Chain" Motley Crew
0351z ID
0351z "The Chain" Fleetwood Mac

0400z ID w/full bump
0400z "Cover Me" Candlebox
0403z "Bulls on Parade" RAGE Against the Machine
0407z ID w/full bump "Can't Take It"
0408z "Rambling Man" Allman Bros..
0412z "Baba O'Riley" The WHO
0417z ID w/full bump
0417z "Logical Song" SuperTramp
0421z "Karn Evil-9" [1st Impression Part 2] Emerson, Lake & Palmer
0426z "White Room" Cream
0431z ID w/full bump
0431z "Like a Rolling Stone" Bob Dylan
0437z "Yesterday" Beatles
0439z ID w/full bump
0439z "It's Only Rock & Roll" Rolling Stones
0444z "Killer Queen" Queen
0447z "Cold As Ice" Foreigner
0450z ID w/full bump "Can't Take It"
0451z "In the Dark" Billy Squier
0455z "What Do You Want From Me?" Pink Floyd
0459z ID w/full bump Wildlife BC
0459z /off
Pretty good s8-9 signal over storm static...
Thanks for the show!!!
Please QSL!