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Author Topic: Noise canceling systems  (Read 3054 times)

Offline bumbelstock

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Noise canceling systems
« on: August 27, 2014, 0939 UTC »
Good Day All :)!

I could get: Daiwa All Mode Active Filter AK606K , Datong FL1 and a Datong FL3, all in good condition!
All three in one 'packet' for 160 european coins ;D

My Question,anybody get some experience with this stuff?

Good DX!
Greetings from the Yellow Bumbelstock

RX from central Germany

Offline audiokaos

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Re: Noise canceling systems
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2014, 1353 UTC »
Good Day All :)!

I could get: Daiwa All Mode Active Filter AK606K , Datong FL1 and a Datong FL3, all in good condition!
All three in one 'packet' for 160 european coins ;D

My Question,anybody get some experience with this stuff?

Good DX!

First off, I'll say that I've never touched those, but I do work for a DSP company. Won't say the name as I don't want to come off as trying to sell - Amateur radio isn't our market & I don't want to come off like that.

Having said that, DSP processing is much tighter than anything analog in terms of EQ's. I can create notch filters at 48db per active using IIR filters or even more with FIR. Tighter than a nun's.. um, well, you know. At *any* frequency that I want. Analog can be good in certain bands, but aren't really configurable & have good bandpass cutoffs. Our processors are made for live sound/studio applications, but I've been using mine on my HF rig as well for just that. On top of it, I also do all my mic processing (ALC, Compression & EQ (I have a crappy mic)) in the same box. I'm sure that something like this has been developed for Amateur radio as well. Just something to consider.
Using Kenwood TS930SAT, Dipole cut for 15M
please qsl audiokaos at gee mail dot com.

Offline bumbelstock

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Re: Noise canceling systems
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2014, 0454 UTC »
Thank's for comment audiocaos!
I use a Icom 718 with DSP an this Noise canceling is working in some situation's. For my analog receivers i would like to use something against noise from local electronik like TV's and other's.
Do not use this kind of analog Noise canceling systems at the present time.
I just think about this stuff,because with the, for example, Datong FL3 you filtering the noise from Audio but the ''Noise'' is comming first through the full receiver stage. I'm interested if this work so good. Why preamp bad stuff if you don't like it..
The other solution will be a MFJ 1026.. it work's full into other direction to filter the bad signal's bevor it come to the antenna jack from receiver.
At my two QTH's i god strong local QRM and so i want to do something ;)
(..and i do not want to steal the ''Neighbors TV'' and the other stuff to listen to a quite HF ;D)
Greetings from the Yellow Bumbelstock

RX from central Germany

Offline glimmer twin

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Re: Noise canceling systems
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2014, 1843 UTC »
I haven't used either of the Datong filters but have heard nothing but good reviews of them. My advice for what its worth is if you can afford it buy the package. Check out the reviews on eham from actual users (i guess they are actual users) every body gives the FL3  5/5 scores.


KCMO  Icom R 75 , SDR-IQ, Grundig Satellit 750 ,Tecsun PL 880, Tecsun PL660 , Tecsun PL380 & PL360  10 meter random wire  w/ RF systems MLB    Alpha Delta SWL DX sloper  
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