I'm hearing something here. Man chatting and music. Thought it might have been OTR, but that is audible on 6770. Hmmm
2301 UTC Sounds like Sherlock Holmes, as I hear mention of Dr. Watson by English accented man. Organ music bridge at 2302 UTC. Is this possibly a spur of some sorts from OTR?
2304 UTC I checked OTR on 6769.9 KHZ and they are carrying a different program! So is this someone else joining in on the fun?

2310 UTC Clear mention of "Worlds most famous....Sherlock Holmes"
Signal is slightly stronger then OTR, but has the same fading characteristics. I think we may have an OTR franchise going here

2345 UTC Still going strong here in Western MA!
0006 UTC It suddenly disappeared! OFF I guess.
Thanks for another chance to hear Old Time Radio Whoever you are!