Strong signal tonight. S8+
0047 UTC, Song from Herbal Living
0048 UTC, clear ID into Lords of the new Church - Open your eyes
0052 UTC, ID into The Pursuit of Happiness - Hard to Laugh
0055 UTC, The Stone Roses - Made of Stone
0059 UTC, ID and shout outs (Thanks for mentioning me),DJ Dickweed is reading his emails
0103 UTC, Work Drugs - My Billie Jean
0106 UTC, ID into Wildcat! Wildcat! - Hero
0110 UTC, Cake - Sick of You
0114 UTC, ID by DJ Dickweed, email given, shout outs
0115 UTC, Fountains of Wayne - Radiation Vibe
0119 UTC, Interpol - My Blue Surpreme
Time to enjoy the show now and watch UK play.
Thanks RFW & DJ Dickweed for the strong signal and the nice alternative music.