1755z Tune up [dead AM carrier]
1800z s/on w/ID, into "Paranoid" Ozzy
1804z ann/male
1805z "It's My Life" Bon Jovi
1808z ID
1813z "I Love Rock & Roll" cover
***1820z+ HEAVY [UTE?] QRM from signal centered on 13798
[UTE Trashing reception here, almost sounds like spur w/audio signature but heavily distorted... I'll stay with it but not sounding nice

1853z ID [extracted from noise]
1857z female ann
1859z ID /male ann mention DRM radio & gave a WWW address
1900z /off
Was 3-4 Threshold Light copy w/rain static [HUGE crashes] but hearing good bass & audio...
Crashes are tearing it up but I pulling out what I can [with all I got dialed in

Thanks for the show R. Spaceshuttle!!!
*** Appears to be a spur as noise peaks on voice peaks!!! Remains on air after RS' s/off but 6900 & 4600 would not have broadcast on them here but in EU??? I'm stumped on this signal... I actually recorded it & took screenshots out of frustration!!!

***UPDATE: Signal gone 1923z It has to be a spur from Iran!!! They're the ONLY station to use XX20 as start/stop time!!! Mystery somewhat "solved":
1820-1920z VofIran 9570 500KW via Sirjan relay station!!! Now how that math works out to ~13800 is a mystery to me but I'm sticking to it