S8 here at 0008 UTC with UNID punkish tune
0011 UTC OM with ID..."This is New Horizon Shortwave....do you read us? We are 52 days 17 hours 28 minutes and 33 seconds from target...this is New Horizon Shortwave calling Earth", followed by music
0013 UTC OM with ID..."This is New Horizon Shortwave Calling Earth...New Horizon...approaching Earth...61 million miles from target...all systems functioning correctly... newhorizonshortwave@gmail.com , followed by some spacey theme music
0018 UTC OM with ID...New Horizon Shortwave...reboot....we need to reboot... newhorizonshortwave@gmail.com , followed by thruster noises and more spacey theme music
0021 UTC OM with ID..."New Horizon Shortwave...spacecraft calling Earth...We have awakened from our slumber... newhorizonshortwave@gmail.com , followed by some dramatic space theme music (JFK voiceover on music?)
(Signal is rock solid S9 here now with excellent USB audio! Fascinating program!)
0026 UTC OM with ID..."This is New Horizon Shortwave Calling Earth...we will hibernate for an additional ? cycle...we will be back...New Horizon Shortwave signing off the air.... newhorizonshortwave@gmail.com
0027 UTC OFF
Awesome show for the Memorial Day Weekend NHS! Looking forward to those closeup shots of Pluto!!!! Thanks for the interesting show...fascinating!
EDIT:Listened back on the recording and the plural "Horizons" is clearer on some of the ID's and email!