Tuned in at 0107utc, poor/weak/some static, industrial dance music (does anybody actually dance to that?), R2000 & dipole. (edit) I got the following email from Liquid Radio: Yes actually they do. Just because the old bitties in your domino
club don't dance to it, doesn't mean that no one else does. BTW, not a
note of industrial was played so far tonight. It's been house music,
which is a genre that was developed right in Chicago. Surprisingly
you didn't know that. But then I guess there's other things you don't
know like, trying to pick up a signal that's weaker than Wolverine
Radio, which can be picked up on a crystal set using a paperclip for
an antenna. Pleasantly looking forward for your next snide comment
and or insult that's based on nothing. Have an awesome night.
Liquid Radio