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Author Topic: 11 meter DX 23 Oct 2015 1300 UTC +  (Read 1947 times)

Offline R4002

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11 meter DX 23 Oct 2015 1300 UTC +
« on: October 23, 2015, 1322 UTC »
Took the day off from work today (actually not feeling too well, so I'm not technically playing hooky to mess with the radio instead).

Some 11 meter logs.  Starting at 1300 UTC.  This will be updated throughout the day:

1300 - 1330 UTC

25000 AM - WWV
25625 AM - Spanish, YL taxi dispatcher
25975 AM - Spanish, YL taxi dispatcher with OTH radar QRM (loud)
26405 AM - Truckers
26665 AM - Spanish, very weak but there's something there
27410 USB - Spanish (poor frequency choice, being QRMed from AM activity on 27405)
27425 AM - Spanish
27480 LSB - "You can't please everybody" working UK/Irish station S9++ on peaks
27515 AM - Spanish, YL taxi dispatcher
27555 USB - Busy, as usual
27615 AM - Truckers
27630 USB - French, nice quality audio and S9+ signals
27655 USB - Spanish
27665 USB - Spanish
27725 USB - Spanish
27781 FM - Something there, down in the noise
27911 FM - Weak UK stations (!!)
27935 USB - French

1330 - 1400 UTC

25625 AM - Spanish - YL taxi dispatcher
26005 AM - Spanish - YL taxi dispatcher
27425 AM - Spanish
27515 AM - Spanish
27687 USB - French - very loud signals (odd frequency offset..)
27691 FM - UK FM traffic
27781 FM - Now S9 level signals, UK FM traffic
27971 FM - UK FM traffic

1515 ++ UTC

Station 29FB040 (also IDed as 29KP040) working several US and Mexican stations on 27620 USB with UKFM QRM from 27621 FM coming in with him.  Very loud signal peaking at S9 +30.  Stated he was running "800 watts peak"

Other logs for 1515 ++ UTC

26375 AM - Spanish, with regular roger "beep" at end of transmission
26385 AM - Somebody whistling into microphone, Spanish language "Hola! Hola! Hola!" S7-S9 signal
26555 LSB - Spanish, strong signals
26635 AM - Spanish, OM and YL talking, maybe taxis?
26665 AM - Spanish, Mexican accents, roger beeps, tones, music underneath voices, etc
27470 LSB - Southern US accents
27480 LSB - "73s to you" - English/Irish accent, weak
27490 USB - "Long form QSL for you" "copy, that's fantastic" - station talking about working Australian stations through Russian FM QRM
27495 USB - Spanish
27500 AM - CW or possibly MCW
27555 USB - "108 division" (Scotland) station calling CQ, other stations underneath
27577 USB - "10 Charlie Radio 101" working OP named William out of UK
27635 USB - Digital tones, S9 to S9+30 signals
27635 USB - Irish accented station
27640 USB - French
27675 USB - Spanish
27700 USB - several SSTV signals heard, tone bursts
27781 FM UK traffic, heavy fading
27885 AM - Spanish
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 1542 UTC by R4002 »
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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