Got them on 3440 kHz AM at S8-S9 with some decent modulation at 0102 UTC. Blues/rock music with a bit of fading and some noise. Right next to whichever utility signal is on 3433.7 (er, 3433.0 if you're in USB mode).
0106 UTC - Signal has improved a bit, holding S9 nicely now, with some minor fades down to S8. Sounding nicely!
0107 UTC - Queens of the Stone Age - I Wanna Make It Wit Chu -
awesome track! 
0111 UTC - Some more fading now, dipping down to S6, peaking at S9 still, however.
0116 UTC - Weak het in the background, looks like there may be a carrier at 3442 kHz. Music still sounding great though. Blues tune.
0117 UTC - Went QRT rather abruptly - off the air with no ID