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Author Topic: New to this - heard this today - is it something or nothing?  (Read 3065 times)

Offline dingdong6969

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New to this - heard this today - is it something or nothing?
« on: February 01, 2016, 1131 UTC »
Only really stumbled across all this in the last few days. Was messing about listening online and managed to record this --


Not sure if it is something or nothing..

many thanks in advance

Offline Token

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Re: New to this - heard this today - is it something or nothing?
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2016, 1450 UTC »
That depends on what you call something or nothing.  ;)

What you have a recording of is a numbers station.  In this case it is a (probable) Polish operated English language station called E11.  The "Oblique" it uses is distinctive to that station, and because of that this station is also known as the Oblique Station.

It sounds like you were in the wrong receiver mode though, possibly the transmission was in USB and you had the receiver in AM?

At a guess you recorded this at 0820 UTC on Feb 01, 2016.  The actual frequency of the transmission was 6940 kHz.  And the actual mode of the transmission was USB.  E11 had a scheduled transmission at that time.  If you were using a receiver in AM mode it would have easily picked up the 6940 kHz transmission, although with distorted audio, when you were tuned to 6941 kHz, as the label on your audio file suggests.

For future reference, a time (in UTC), date (again in UTC), frequency (I  prefer in kHz, but frequency is frequency), and receiver mode of operation (AM, USB, LSB, CW, etc) can help a lot in identifying a station.  I typically name the file with all those factors involved, and when posting about them to a thread always mention those.  The "oblique" in this case was a pretty clear indicator, but not all stations have such a tell-tale sign.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 1459 UTC by Token »
Mojave Desert, California USA

Offline JCMaxwell

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Re: New to this - heard this today - is it something or nothing?
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2016, 1504 UTC »
OP, this site is a good resource for number stations:

IC-R9000, FDM-S2, Belka DX, HF+ Discovery, RSPdx, IC-R30, BC125AT, PL-880 <- W6LVP Loop

Offline dingdong6969

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Re: New to this - heard this today - is it something or nothing?
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2016, 1802 UTC »
thank you both for the reply. I had posted on Reddit and confirmed it was the Polish channel E11. I was literally flicking around for the first time this morning, so was I pretty lucky to stumble across that?

And I have been checking out priyom as well, but thank you again for the tip!


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