0117- blues tune S3-4 with S5 peaks and excellent audio
0119- bit of "On The Road Again" Willie Nelson then Willie talking
0121- "Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die" Willie Nelson
0124- "Green Green Grass Of Home" OM vocals
0126- comedy by Andrew Dice Clay "Dirty Nursery Rhymes"
0128- more Dice comedy
0130- "Don't Bogart That Joint"
0133- Sesame Street parody skit about weed
0136- Radio GaGa ID and mention of "the land of sky blue waters"
0138- country song OM vocals
0141- "Back In The High Life Again" Steve Winwood
0147- "Rainy Day Women (Everybody Must Get Stoned)" Bob Dylan
0151- Lady GaGa's version of the Star Spangled Banner
0153- Radio GaGa ID and OM with "enjoy the rest of the night everyone"
0154- off.
Thanks for the show!
Enjoying the broadcast GaGa.