Strongs signal but an operator who wasn't very much in shape. After the FSK callup sequence he started with a wrong message in FSK 50/129: 710 49 = 11262, then stopped and restarted the correct message in CW. The repeat went wrong again. After several groups he stopped and restarted.
7351 22-09-2016 0421 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW
FSK 50/129: 710 49 = 11262, stopped and switched to CW.
807 41 =
86010 24414 77082 44081 33496 93731 01955 40518 15884 00696
85418 91773 90946 78958 86296 31446 92801 02401 84149 53628
86033 75365 12804 68810 09979 05308 87869 46858 04887 69117
78998 02225 27795 92515 66433 80656 02975 06883 74919 02946
81578 =
807 41 807 41 =
86010 24414 77082 44081 33496 93731 01 EEEEEEEEE 07 U1 = stopped and restarted
86010 24414 77082 44081 33496 93731 01955 40518 15884 00696
85418 91773 90946 78958 86296 31446 92801 02401 84149 53628
86033 75365 12804 68810 09979 05308 87869 46858 04887 69117
78998 02225 27795 92515 66433 80656 02975 06883 74919 02946
81578 =
807 41 000
73, Ary