1933- rock tune OM vocals S1-2 and great audio
1935- "Dreams" Fleetwood Mac
1938- Amphetamine Radio ID, signal up to S3-4
1941- song by Queens Of The Stone Age S5
1942- "No More Tears" Ozzy Osbourne
1955- SSTV
1956- ID into song by Motorhead
2002- "Know Your Rights" The Clash
2005- "Plowed" Sponge
2007- ID into "Welcome To The Machine" Pink Floyd
2024- "Rainbow In The Dark" Dio
2030- "You've Got Another Thing Coming" Judas Priest
2033- ID into "Heart Of Glass" Blondie
2041- SSTV
2047- "Do It Again" Steely Dan
2056- AR ID then Star Spangled Banner
2058- off.
Thanks for the show AR!