I need to get one of these dongles and park in front of a certain knob-head's house. Looking at goat porn is illegal there, but marrying your first cousin isn't. No wonder all the heathens have flocked there since the invention of inexpensive in house air-conditioning to give birth to funny looking children who are their second cousins? It explains why nearly everyone there looks like tanned leather, too. Too much sun and not enough sense to stay out of it.
I feel sorry for the true Floridians, like the one I have my cap set on, for having to put up with them. I'm working on a combination wild hog, alligator, python, and shark attractant disguised as a sunscreen to rid the Sunshine State of relocated Yankees. I think I'll call it "Spampalm" it sticks to the target and they can't get it off.
There's fat orange feller up in Palm Beach with little hands who whines a lot that's perfect for a Spampalm beta-test.