To see what this is all about, go here:,32334.0.htmlAll transmissions received in Denver, CO, USA using an SDRplay RSP2pro and a 1m diameter homebrewed magnetic loop antenna
Latest update 31 MAR 2017, 18:45z
Date (DDMMYYYY): Numbers: File name or repeat: Frequency (kHz) and time (UTC):
01/03/2017 53361 34735336.txt* 11435 1600
01/03/2017 52513 52405251.txt*
01/03/2017 33834 66283383.txt*
01/03/2017 78655 58877865.txt*
01/03/2017 73637 38467363.txt*
01/03/2017 88405 03238840.txt*
Technical errors: No carrier until 1601z. At 1602z, About 20 seconds of RHC, which cut off, then came back on for 30 seconds, then suddenly switched over to HM01 at the start of a RDFT transmission at 1603. Broadcast then started over from the top at 1604z.
* these files were first transmitted in February. Please see February HM01 log for info, and also for a link to the files. They will not be included in March's folder.,32635.0.htmlDate (DDMMYYYY): Numbers: File name or repeat: Frequency (kHz) and time (UTC):
02/03/2017 53362 repeat 10860 0500, 03/03/2017
02/03/2017 52514 repeat
02/03/2017 33835 repeat
02/03/2017 78656 repeat
02/03/2017 75581 81407558.txt
02/03/2017 88406 repeat
03/03/2017 53363 repeat 11435 1600
03/03/2017 52515 repeat
03/03/2017 33836 repeat
03/03/2017 78657 repeat
03/03/2017 75581 repeat
03/03/2017 88407 repeat
04/03/2017 53364 repeat 11435 1600
04/03/2017 52516 repeat
04/03/2017 33837 repeat
04/03/2017 54821 20545482.txt
04/03/2017 75582 repeat
04/03/2017 88408 repeat
Technical errors: Carrier came on at 1556. At 1557, RHC audio came in (confirmed by switching to RCH frequency 11760, which broadcasts at this time). Audio cut out briefly, came back on, then the carrier switched off. At 1559 transmission came back on with RHC audio. It dropped out after a few seconds, came back on again, dropped off again to an open carrier. This happened twice more, then switched to HM01 already in progress (RDFT for the 4th number group).
05/03/2017 53365 repeat 11435 1600
05/03/2017 52517 repeat
05/03/2017 33838 repeat
05/03/2017 54821 repeat
05/03/2017 75583 repeat
05/03/2017 88409 repeat
Technical errors: Carrier didn't come on until 1602. RHC audio broadcast for about 15 seconds. 30 seconds silence, then RDFT transmission indicating transmission was being joined already in progress.
06/03/2017 53366 repeat 11435 1600
06/03/2017 52518 repeat
06/03/2017 07011 38670701.txt
06/03/2017 54822 repeat
06/03/2017 75584 repeat
06/03/2017 50051
50535005.f1c07/03/2017 53366 repeat 11435 1600
07/03/2017 52518 repeat
07/03/2017 07011 repeat
07/03/2017 54822 repeat
07/03/2017 75584 repeat
07/03/2017 50051 repeat
NOTE: 07 March's number sets are identical to 06 March's. I will tune into later broadcasts to see if this remains true throughout the day. (EDIT: yes, the number groups remained unchanged. I tuned in to 11530 at 1700z, 11635 at 1800z, 16180 at 2100z, and 10345 at 0600z [08 March].)
Date (DDMMYYYY): Numbers: File name or repeat: Frequency (kHz) and time (UTC):
08/03/2017 53366 repeat 11435 1600
08/03/2017 52518 repeat
08/03/2017 07011 repeat
08/03/2017 54822 repeat
08/03/2017 75584 repeat
08/03/2017 50051 repeat
Carrier up at 1557. 10 seconds of RHC, 20 seconds off, then over three minutes of RHC, including interval and station ID in Spanish at 1600. Suddenly switched to HM01 in the middle of an RDFT transmission at 1601. Number groups are once again the same as those sent on the 6th and 7th.
09/03/2017 53366 repeat 10860 1600, 10/03/2017
09/03/2017 52518 repeat
09/03/2017 07011 repeat
09/03/2017 54822 repeat
09/03/2017 75584 repeat
09/03/2017 50051 repeat
Still no new number groups.
10/03/2017 53366 repeat 11435 1600
10/03/2017 52518 repeat
10/03/2017 07011 repeat
10/03/2017 54822 repeat
10/03/2017 75584 repeat
10/03/2017 50051 repeat
Still no new number groups.
11/03/2017 53366 repeat 11435 1600
11/03/2017 52518 repeat
11/03/2017 07011 repeat
11/03/2017 54822 repeat
11/03/2017 75584 repeat
11/03/2017 50051 repeat
Still no new number groups. Carrier on at 1600. RHC audio starting at 1602. Cuts over to HM01 at 1605 in middle of RDFT transmission.
12/03/2017 53366 repeat 11435 1600
12/03/2017 52518 repeat
12/03/2017 07011 repeat
12/03/2017 54822 repeat
12/03/2017 75584 repeat
12/03/2017 50051 repeat
Still no new number groups.
Date (DDMMYYYY): Numbers: File name or repeat: Frequency (kHz) and time (UTC):
13/03/2017 53366 repeat 11435 1600
13/03/2017 52518 repeat
13/03/2017 07011 repeat
13/03/2017 54822 repeat
13/03/2017 75584 repeat
13/03/2017 50051 repeat
Still no new number groups.
14/03/2017 53366 repeat 17480 2200
14/03/2017 52518 repeat
14/03/2017 07011 repeat
14/03/2017 54822 repeat
14/03/2017 75584 repeat
14/03/2017 50051 repeat
Still no new number groups.
15/03/2017 53366 repeat 11435 1600
15/03/2017 52518 repeat
15/03/2017 07011 repeat
15/03/2017 54822 repeat
15/03/2017 75584 repeat
15/03/2017 50051 repeat
Still no new number groups.
16/03/2017 53366 repeat 17480 2200
16/03/2017 52518 repeat
16/03/2017 07011 repeat
16/03/2017 54822 repeat
16/03/2017 75584 repeat
16/03/2017 50051 repeat
Still no new number groups
17/03/2017 53367 repeat 11435 1600
17/03/2017 20541 67722054.txt
17/03/2017 07011 repeat
17/03/2017 54823 repeat
17/03/2017 75585 repeat
17/03/2017 50051 repeat
Finally the number groups advance!
18/03/2017 53368 repeat 11435 1600
18/03/2017 20542 repeat
18/03/2017 07012 repeat
18/03/2017 54824 repeat
18/03/2017 75586 repeat
18/03/2017 50052 repeat
Carrier up at 1545. 1547 - about two seconds of jazz, presumed RHC audio. Unusually, the number group that was new yesterday, 20541, advanced to 20542 today. Usually new number groups still end with 1 on the second day of transmission.
19/03/2017 53369 repeat 11435 1600
19/03/2017 20543 repeat
19/03/2017 07013 repeat
19/03/2017 54825 repeat
19/03/2017 75587 repeat
19/03/2017 50053 repeat
Date (DDMMYYYY): Numbers: File name or repeat: Frequency (kHz) and time (UTC):
20/03/2017 58671 08335867.txt 11435 1600
20/03/2017 20544 repeat
20/03/2017 07014 repeat
20/03/2017 54826 repeat
20/03/2017 28551 68142855.txt
20/03/2017 50054 repeat
21/03/2017 58671 repeat 11435 1600
21/03/2017 20545 repeat
21/03/2017 07015 repeat
21/03/2017 54827 repeat
21/03/2017 28551 repeat
21/03/2017 50055 repeat
22/03/2017 58672 repeat 11435 1600
22/03/2017 20546 repeat
22/03/2017 07016 repeat
22/03/2017 54828 repeat
22/03/2017 28552 repeat
22/03/2017 50056 repeat
23/03/2017 58673 repeat 17480 2200
23/03/2017 20547 repeat
23/03/2017 07017 repeat
23/03/2017 45611 66384561.txt
23/03/2017 28553 repeat
23/03/2017 50057 repeat
24/03/2017 58673 repeat 11435 1600
24/03/2017 20547 repeat
24/03/2017 07017 repeat
24/03/2017 45611 repeat
24/03/2017 28553 repeat
24/03/2017 50057 repeat
These are the same as March 23's. It seems we're back to repeating the previous day's numbers and files. We'll see how long this streak lasts.
25/03/2017 58673 repeat 11435 1600
25/03/2017 20547 repeat
25/03/2017 07017 repeat
25/03/2017 45611 repeat
25/03/2017 28553 repeat
25/03/2017 50057 repeat
Still March 23's number sets. Transmission didn't begin until 16:00:08, and the broadcast was already in progress as if it had begun at 15:55z.
26/03/2017 58673 repeat 11530 1700
26/03/2017 20547 repeat
26/03/2017 07017 repeat
26/03/2017 45611 repeat
26/03/2017 28553 repeat
26/03/2017 50057 repeat
Still on March 23's numbers.
Date (DDMMYYYY): Numbers: File name or repeat: Frequency (kHz) and time (UTC):
27/03/2017 58673 repeat 11435 1600
27/03/2017 20547 repeat
27/03/2017 07017 repeat
27/03/2017 45611 repeat
27/03/2017 28553 repeat
27/03/2017 50057 repeat
Still using March 23's numbers.
28/03/2017 58674 repeat 11435 1600
28/03/2017 62551 86566255.txt
28/03/2017 07018 repeat
28/03/2017 45611 repeat
28/03/2017 28554 repeat
28/03/2017 70471
36037047.f1gNew numbers today.
29/03/2017 58674 repeat 11435 1600
29/03/2017 62551 repeat
29/03/2017 07018 repeat
29/03/2017 45611 repeat
29/03/2017 28554 repeat
29/03/2017 70471 repeat
Already repeating the previous day's number sets and files.
30/03/2017 58674 repeat 11530 1700
30/03/2017 62551 repeat
30/03/2017 07018 repeat
30/03/2017 45611 repeat
30/03/2017 28554 repeat
30/03/2017 70471 repeat
Still March 28's numbers.
31/03/2017 58675 repeat 11635 1800
31/03/2017 62551 repeat
31/03/2017 44101 34624410.txt
31/03/2017 45612 repeat
31/03/2017 28555 repeat
31/03/2017 70471 repeat
Still March 28's numbers during the initial broadcast on 11435 at 1600z. Windows OS sound heard (presumably XP, possibly shutdown sound but I'm not a Windows expert so I can't say) at 1626z and audio cut off, but carrier remained. Eventually carrier went off the air, but the 1700z transmission on 11530 did not start until 1738z, at which point the new numbers were transmitted. I had a rough copy and wasn't able to decode the new file until the 1800x transmission on 11635.