Yes, identifier MB is assigned to both beacons. 254 MB is the outer marker locator (LOM) for ILS/LOC RWY 28 @ Manistee Co. Blacker MBL. 257 MB is the LOM for ILS/LOC RWY 5 @ Saginaw/MBS (actually in Freeland and formerly known as "Tri-City"). Both beacons are +/- 1020 cycles so if you are using a narrow enough filter in SSB or CW mode they will be heard by that amount above and below the carrier frequency. So, in other words, you may hear Manistee at 255.02 and Saginaw at 255.98. Oh, and they both have an ID period of 6 seconds. (please note, some NDBs only use one sideband and the Canadians use 400 cycle modulation not 1020) Confused yet?
In the AM mode, your receiver would probably hear the beacon ID on the carrier frequency. So assuming you are listening to Algeria on 252 in AM mode and your radio has a wide AM filter, you may (from your location 60 mi to MBL and 90 mi to MBS) hear Algeria and Manistee and Saginaw simultaneously. My guess is that this is what your ears are hearing. Things only start to get really sticky if you switch in a narrow enough filter and the beacons begin to appear at two locations.
As far as the CKLW thing is concerned, my involvement was only tangential. Did get an insite though on the inner workings of the station. Could go on all night about broadcast station operation but don't want to bore you or get way off topic. It was a fun time in AM radio.
If you have any more questions or my rambling response needs clarification, just ask. 73, PV