2304- RFW ID by DJ Dickweed and talking about propagation conditions at the moment S8-9
2306- signal suddenly faded out in mid talk

2307- can hear DW saying "hello hello?" but sounds like having audio difficulty
2313- back on with DW saying "this is all Assistant Stavin's fault"
2335- back on and said "can anyone hear me at 13 watts?" S4-5
2337- DW said using 13 watts because he is having amp trouble
2338- DW lamenting "I just wanna play some music for people, God please help me!"

2340- signal up to S5-6 now with DW talking about maybe having a bad audio cable
2342- DW trying out a beer can for a ground to hopefully fix the audio trouble

0001- DW back on
0002- off for the time being
0008- back on with Soviet National Anthem S9+ and great 4k wide audio
0010- greetings from DJ Dickweed and said an old Radio Shack audio cable was causing the troubles
0011- RFW ID into "Diet Cig" Tummy Ache
0026- DW now having computer troubles
0031- "Letter From The Moon" Mynt
0059- RFW ID into "Dick's Mail Sack" with listener emails
0129- "Wan Thang" Tahiti 80 per Shazam
0130- RFW ID
0147- "Hero" Wildcat! Wildcat! per Shazam
0149- RFW ID then rundown of songs played signal down to S6-7
0151- gave dickweeddj@gmail.com then "do whatever" and off.
Thanks for the show RFW!