6955u weak an low sig, hard rocking in Knoxville, Tennessee GT remote.
....Van Halen, Panama
00:41z off
00:45z back with what sounds like Cheech and Chong dialog.
00:46z ZZTop, La Grange / signal from good to vy low, slow fading
00:55z unid blues/rock song
00:59z Soul survivor, wilson picket (thanks "UnknownName") / still no ID
01:04z R&Bish song
01:06z unid song / signal getting weaker, more noise too
01:13z unid blues/rock song
01:17z Layla, Eric Clapton / signal up again
01:20z Guns and Roses
01:24z unid bluesy harmonica song (Willie Dixon, Spoonful tnx HFunderground)
01:29z mexican style song, more C&C? (Juan Coyote tnx DedMan)
01:32z OFF
Thanks for the show unid station !