Date: 07/11/2017 - 11/07/2017 July 11th, 2017.
Time: starting at 2120 UTC
Frequency: 27.695 MHz - 27695 kHz 27.695.0 MHz
Mode: LSB
Receiver: Superstar 3900 (EPT3600-11B board, 1980s vintage version, made in Philippines)
Antenna: President Texas 1800 POWER - 7/8 wave mobile antenna
Hearing some strong Spanish speaking traffic on 27.695 MHz LSB, one of the more common frequencies for SS traffic to be heard. Lots of switching between LSB and USB for these guys. Sounds a lot like the stations heard on 6900 kHz LSB and other 43 meter band frequencies. Slight overmodulation noted at 2121 UTC. Station welcoming another station to the frequency, giving signal report and callsign (numerical).