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Author Topic: Russian Radio Taxi Dispatch 26865 kHz FM 26.865 MHz FM 21 August 2017  (Read 1477 times)

Offline R4002

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Checking out some Eastern European and Russian remotes (its just shy of 5am Moscow Summer Time, or 0155 UTC, Moscow Summer Time being +3 hours from UTC) and while the 2-4 MHz "Village Radio" channels are active [I posted a quick log in the Peskies forum], I checked higher in frequency, namely the 25 to 30 MHz region, and the band is unnaturally quiet.  Or maybe it is naturally quiet since its 4:55 am. 

The only traffic heard is a radio taxi dispatcher on 26865 kHz FM / 26.865 MHz FM and a POCSAG paging transmitter on 26945 kHz FM / 26.945 MHz FM.  Both of these have been logged several times in the past during band openings while listening to various remote receivers all over Europe and Russia.

It appears that there are at least two different transmitters using the 26.945 MHz paging frequency.  I know 26 MHz and 27 MHz paging is popular in Europe, especially in the UK and in Russia, but since I can be 100% sure the band is closed...these different signals [I know they're different because the weaker one will start transmitting, then the stronger one will transmit over it, etc] are local to the receiver. 

Makes be wonder how much power these 26 MHz on-site pager systems are running.  Presuming they're using base station CB antennas, just like Olga, the commonly used name for the female Russian taxi cab dispatchers heard all over 11 meters and 10 meters...they could be potentially dozens of km away.  We know the same thing happens with Irish Churches on 27 MHz running base station CB antennas and legal or close-to-legal output power.  The difference here is, Russian taxi companies continue to intrude on 10 meters and as intruders on 10 meters these taxi cabs can be a major problem.  Not that the Russian government could care less.
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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