2156 UTC Lots of numbers by somebody sounding like Brother Stair interspersed by "Tell Me What Frequency....tell me what station" More numbers then "Give Me a Radio Check".....more numbers then "Evil Wins"
"You call ? and give me a radio check...tell me what frequency you're listening to...tell me what station ?....evil wins"
2212 UTC Brother Stair audio clip now
2214 UTC Interesting version of "Stairway to Heaven"
2218 UTC Unid old time 30's tune
2221 UTC Back to the numbers and "Evil Wins"
2224 UTC "We have passed the point of no return"
2228 UTC "The Rubber Room"-Porter Wagoner
2231 UTC OM speaking now but signal is in the noise
2235 UTC "Da Do Do Do"-The Police
2239 UTC Signal up a bit with "Bluebird"-Buffalo Springfield
2241 UTC "Pretty Flamingo"-Manfred Mann
Tough copy since 2231 UTC
2245 UTC "Journey To The Center of the Mind"-Amboy Dukes
2248 UTC OM with something about "Rock N Roll"
Since 2248 UTC signal is just below the noise floor