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Author Topic: Spy Numbers database, a resource you should use  (Read 23677 times)

Offline Token

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Spy Numbers database, a resource you should use
« on: March 11, 2018, 2121 UTC »
For those of you not familiar, Chris has a long standing searchable database you can log your numbers station reports in.  The link is here:

It is a great resource for historical numbers station activity.  When people log to it regularly it can be used to predict schedules.  In the past that was a huge plus, today with several groups keeping good, and current, schedules online this feature is not quite as important as it was.

And if you log to the DB you can select to have your logs submitted to the Spooks mailing list, sharing with other listeners interested in numbers stations.

This DB really only works if users populate it, so give it a look, give it a try.  The more people who use it the better it will be.

And so there is no misunderstanding, I love seeing the activity on this forum, the recent increase in reports is awesome.  I am not suggesting reporting to the DB instead of here, rather it would be great to see them both used.  The DB is awesome and searchable, while the forums promote discussion.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2018, 2211 UTC by Token »
Mojave Desert, California USA

Offline Looking-Glass

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Re: Spy Numbers database, a resource you should use
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2018, 0432 UTC »
Thanks for the link Token, however, I looked at two of the data bases and the loggings are pretty much dated, nothing logged for 2017 or 2018, one list doesn't go beyond 2012. 

Maybe it needs some new blood DXers to provide input?

Appreciated... ;)
Condobolin, NSW.

Grid Square:  QF37ub

Yaesu FT-1000D, Yaesu FT-2000D, ICOM IC-736 HF/50MHz, ICOM IC R75 & Tecsun S-2000 to 450 feet of wire, 27MHz 1/2 wave CB antenna converted to 21MHz & a multi band vertical of dubious reliability.

Offline Token

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Re: Spy Numbers database, a resource you should use
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2018, 1352 UTC »
Thanks for the link Token, however, I looked at two of the data bases and the loggings are pretty much dated, nothing logged for 2017 or 2018, one list doesn't go beyond 2012. 

Maybe it needs some new blood DXers to provide input?

Appreciated... ;)

Yes, the DB has not been used in the past couple of years, and that is a shame.

As I said in my post about it, the DB is only as good as the information people (listeners) put in it.  If no one puts any data in it then it will have no use, but if listeners report receptions to it it will have multiple uses.  It will serve as an indicator of activity levels, and can be used to predict future activities.  However that only works if people contribute information to it.

That was the purpose of my post, to try and drum up activity in the DB.

Mojave Desert, California USA

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: Spy Numbers database, a resource you should use
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2018, 2100 UTC »
I just recently spiffed up the database website software in fact, so this thread is good timing.

As Token pointed out, the database needs loggings to be useful. There's also a critical mass factor - once enough people submit logs and use it, then use grows (as was the case in the past, when there were not as many other resources).

I am open to suggestions as to how to make it easier to submit loggings to the database, so it is more likely to be used.
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
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Offline Ary-B

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Re: Spy Numbers database, a resource you should use
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2018, 0508 UTC »
It might be of interest to know that the these logs are also published in Numbers & Oddties since ca 1997. N&O still has a logs database online that includes well over 281,000 logs. It is updated each month and includes the logs posted to UDXF, Spooks mailing list, HFU (with permission of Chris) and privately sent to me. You can find it on my website http://numbersoddities.nl/files.html


Offline Josh

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Re: Spy Numbers database, a resource you should use
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2019, 2246 UTC »
On a related note, it'd be a nice addition to the db for some expert to tdoa all the spy transmissions.

Hint Hint.

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Re: Spy Numbers database, a resource you should use
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2022, 0550 UTC »
I just joined this group, looks like an interesting place to hang out! Here's my list of Cuban (female) number station frequencies that I've monitored over the last couple of years. 10715,11530,11635,13740,16180,17480,11435,10860,10345,11684. Most of these freqs are very active, I've logged 4 broadcasts in one day but mostly it's hit and miss according to time and freq. Expect to hear these broadcasts any time of the day or night. They are usually broadcast in AM have yet to monitor any of them on USB or LSB. My radios are the Sangean ATS 909x2 with a 25ft. long wire and the SDRuno RSP1 hooked up to the MLA-30 mega loop antenna, nothing fancy, monitoring these frequencies requires diligent listening however since they seem to broadcast randomly.

Offline East Troy Don

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Re: Spy Numbers database, a resource you should use
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2022, 2247 UTC »
32233. YL with usual 5 digit numbers groups.

Tecsun 990X with Alpha Delta Sloper
Primary: R75 W/WV-601 passive loop masted @ 20'  Secondary: Yaesu  FRG 7700 W/MLA-30+ indoors. Tertiary: Grundig  750. Tecsun PL-990X, Tecsun PL-880 . Malahit DSP SDR V3,  . : Also, Qdosen DX-286, 1940 Mantola am/sw tube. CountyComm GP-5/SSB hand held, Tecsun PL-380 ,et al.  QTH: FONTANA, WI  USA.  Sea Level: + 990' .  75 miles (but not far enough) NW of Chicago


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