Propagation has been very erratic on the NDB band, some nights/morning the band lacks distance and another morning or night well over 2,000kms. Things are much easier this season with the installation of a MW filter to eradicate harmonics and carriers from high powered MW stations.
18th May 0906z 310Khz HK Hokitika, New Zealand for 2,071kms 319 report.
0905z 238KHz KT Kaitaia, New Zealand for 2,119kms 319 report.
17th May 1908z 335KHz AS Alice Springs, Northern Territory for 1,915kms 319 report. (New logging)
1906z 356KHz TN Tindal, Northern Territory for 2,785kms 319-419 report.
1859z 326KHz CAR Carnarvon, Western Australia for 3,363kms 419 report.
1839z 272KHz TNK Tennant Creek, Northern Territory for 2,224kms 519 report.
1837z 233KHz AYE Ayres Rock, Northern Territory for 2,072kms 319-419 report.
15th May 1633z 276KHz TVL Townsville, Queensland for 1,631kms with terminal information "Z" 539-559 report.
1632z 260KHz NF Norfolk Island for 1,755kms 559 report.
14th May 1737z 240KHz ABA Albany, Western Australia for 2,962kms. (New logging)
11th May 1911z 364KHz CS Cairns, Queensland for 1,900kms 319 report.
1904z 392KHz LHR Lockhart River, Queensland for 2,421kms 419 report. (New logging)
1901z 407KHz WDH Windorah, Queensland for 1,154kms 519 report. (New logging)
1858z 413KHz BDV Birdsville, Queensland for 1,357kms 529 report.
Always nice when you get some first time new loggings, or as some call them, ATNO's....