Ordinarily, I'd consider writing about this only after the entire hour of a scheduled HM01 broadcast was missed. However, I was up late last night, trying to see if I would be able to get a decent copy at 0500z (10860) and 0600z (10345) before going to bed, because I hadn't gotten one at any point during their daytime transmissions. There was a strong carrier on 10860 for a while, but no signal, only the rather weird distorted signals that come off RHC/HM01 at times, before going QRT at some point and not returning. It wasn't there for the 0600z broadcast at all. And although I have no idea if it ever came on, either that hour or any of the subsequent scheduled times 0700-1000z, but it's not there for the 1600z/11435 broadcast as I write this.
If anyone else has tuned to HM01 in the past 12 hours, that is, 0500-1100 UTC on July 9, and either heard or not heard anything, please comment. It would be interesting to know if they were on at all. Perhaps they are fixing the transmission issues they've been having recently, where the signal seems to vary from full power to a fraction of it intermittently.