So they moved from the 6900-7000 kHz region down to the 6000-6300 kHz region? Interesting. Of course, going from, say, 6905 kHz to 6095 kHz isn't too much of a stretch
If they're hanging out in the 49 meter broadcasting band on 6095 kHz wouldn't that put them in "partial-peskie" status? 6212 kHz is actually a legal ITU marine channel IIRC.
Yes, it is. 6212 kHz is ITU channel 605 (ship transmit in duplex mode) or just 605 simplex ship-to-ship. Sounds like they've got the regular marine channels programmed in their radios in addition to out-of-band frequencies.
Of the HF marine bands, the 6200 to 6525 kHz (6 MHz marine band) seems to be the busiest one, at least in my monitoring experience. I've monitored significant traffic on and near 6212 kHz in the past.