Strong propagation between 0645 local (eastern US time) and 0655 local this morning 5 Sept 2018
162.400 MHz - KEC83 Baltimore, MD positive ID SIO 444 with another UNID station underneath
162.425 MHz - possibly WZ2527 Fredericksburg, VA very strong signal at points, then disappeared into the QRM
162.450 MHz - KZZ28 mixing with WWG33 Margaretsville, NC almost equal signal (!!)
162.475 MHz - [local station]
162.500 MHz - WNG586 Henderson, NC very strong around 0650 local, then completely faded away
162.525 MHz - KJY86 mixing with possible WWG82 or another station, heard "South Carolina" at one point, poor copy
162.550 MHz - KHB37 vs. KHB36 (the usual suspects) and a third UNID station underneath them, heard "northern Virginia mountain forecast" and discussion of Chesapeake Bay
Other VHF band frequencies active:
151.1825 MHz - Project 25 digital control channel (Virginia STARS system)
151.5950 MHz - DMR digital voice/data, weak
151.6250 MHz - trucking company comms, heard mention of Interstate 64 (possibly locals)
151.7150 MHz - weak voice heard, possibly schools?
151.7450 MHz - DMR digital voice/data, strong signal S9 peaks
151.7750 MHz - DMR digital voice/data - probably WQAU724 King George County, VA Public Schools 199.5 watts ERP
151.9850 MHz - DMR digital voice/data
152.0225 MHz - Project 25 digital control channel (Virginia STARS system)
152.0375 MHz - Project 25 digital control channel (Virginia STARS system)
152.1575 MHz - Project 25 digital control channel (Virginia STARS system)
152.1800 MHz - POCSAG Paging, S-5 peaks with rapid fading
152.2175 MHz - Project 25 digital control channel - weak (Virginia STARS system)
152.2625 MHz - what sounded like two different analog NFM voice systems at once, heavy fading
152.2850 MHz - DMR digital voice/data - lots of rapid fading
152.2850 MHz - DMR digital voice/data - very strong (possibly local)
152.2925 MHz - analog NFM voice repeater, possibly schools
152.3000 MHz - local taxi cab company dispatch (KLU448) on top of DMR digital voice/data
152.3075 MHz - DMR digital voice/data, weak
152.5175 MHz - Project 25 digital control channel (Virginia STARS system)
152.6300 MHz - POCSAG Paging, local signals and distant ones heard w/fading
152.6900 MHz - POCSAG Paging, similar to 152.630 MHz
152.7125 MHz - Project 25 digital control channel (Virginia STARS system)
152.7875 MHz - Project 25 digital control channel (Virginia STARS system)