PCB's are easily made by ordering them from PCB supplier.
Gone are the days where it cost £$100's to get a design done.
I use OSHPARK, there's plenty of others, just supply the gerbers.
Don't waste your time using any other method.
I need to move (sell!) a load of PCB's before I'll release any designs but I'm happy to.......
BTW, I had wrote a somewhat OTT reply to the initial post but then thought I'd got the wrong meaning of 'Tracability' and removed the post
But if you are 'Concerned' about being 'Traced' from something you've made you seriously need to chill and stop being paranoid.
NO_ONE gives a monkies about you or what you're doing, trust me, they have much bigger fish to fry.
I know I used to work for 'The Man' many moons ago....
The internet is a blessing for them as they monitor you on there NOT on SW radio!
We don't do paranoia in the UK!!